If you're facing vision loss, whether it's a recent diagnosis or something you've been dealing with, know that there is a whole community out there, including myself, who are here for you.

We've got a bunch of readily available resources to help us transition as smoothly as possible to our new way of life, from vision rehab and education to assistive tech and tools for low vision.

The goal is to give you everything you need to live a full and independent life.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey – we're here to support you every step of the way.

Don't Forget!

Throughout the challenges of vision loss, remember that community is vital. Embrace the support around you, as together we can navigate this journey. Your strength, combined with the understanding of others, creates a powerful bond that lights the way toward shared resilience and joy.

Blindness Facts

Only approximately 2 percent to 8 percent of people who are visually impaired use a white cane. The rest rely on their usable vision, a guide dog, or a sighted guide.
People who are blind are just as likely as anyone else to experience vivid dreams while sleeping. The difference is that their dreams are dominated by sounds, smells and tastes. A Danish study also suggests that people who are blind must endure significantly more nightmares than their sighted counterparts.
Guide dogs can’t tell whether a traffic light is green or red or if it changes color. A person who is blind or visually impaired uses audible cues like traffic noise to determine when they think it is safe to cross, and then signals their dog to move forward. If a car is coming, the dog will refuse to obey the command.
There is a higher risk of visual acuity loss among Hispanic and Black individuals than among whites.
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